Herbal medicines are becoming popular everywhere. For treatment of any common ailment, people turn to their kitchen first to use some herbs for relief. These herbs are not only effective for the treatment of common cold, fever, flu but they can effectively treat the diseases where conventional medicine fails. Many people have successfully fought their cancer with the help of herbal weapons. Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart diseases can also be put check with the help of herbs. These herbs are not only easily available, they cure the disease from the roots. Thus, the increasing affinity of people towards them is justifiable. In spite of being alternate medicine, they are more trusted than the mainstream medicines.
Let us see some of the common herbs that we have in our kitchen and are a great healer and protector.
Herb #1:
Name: Turmeric
Applications: turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb which acts as a painkiller. It lowers the blood cholesterol levels, cures depression, makes your memory sharper, and increases the lifespan. It is also found that turmeric is a potent cure for Alzheimer’s disease and colon cancer. It clears the brain of the plaques which causes Alzheimer’s. It can also shrink precancerous lesions which cause colon cancer.
Uses: Turmeric has been an undistinguished part of Indian cuisine. No recipe is complete without a pinch of ‘haldi’. And not to forget ‘Haldi wala doodh’ is so popular. To gain maximum benefits out of turmeric, you just keep doing what you have been. Use turmeric in cooking and it will heal all your issues.
Harms: Turmeric does not work well with aspirin or warfarin. Excess use of turmeric causes heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, hair loss and low BP.
Herb #2:
Name: Cinnamon
Applications: It is very effective against type 2 diabetes. Keeping diabetes in check, it also reduces the risks of heart diseases and cholesterol. It stimulates appetite and very effective for common cold, flu and menstrual cramps. It also act as a mouthwash and removes foul breath smell.
Uses: It is used in foods especially sweets as a flavor. A 1g capsule of cinnamon daily can tame blood sugar.
Harms: Regular excessive use of cinnamon can cause liver problems.
Herb #3.
Name: Rosemary
Applications: It contains antioxidants that fight many diseases. It prevents carcinogens from entering the body thus preventing tumor formation. It can cure liver and gallbladder complaints. Some common symptoms like a headache, cough, gas can be treated. It seems to be helping with age related memory loss. Toothaches, eczema, joint pain, and baldness can be prevented with regular use.
Uses: It is used for marinating foods along with other herbs like thyme, basil, garlic etc. Rosemary oil can also be used for cooking and for massaging.
Harms: Consuming it in large proportions can cause stomach and intestinal irritation. It can lead to abortion, kidney damage and seizures.
Herb #4.
Name: Ginger
Applications: Ginger is great for motion sickness and upset stomach. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps the normal functioning of brain and stomach. It regulates the flow of blood and thus, it is used to lower BP too. It soothes the arthritis pain being anti-inflammatory. For some people, it is a better chemotherapy than the traditional one, especially for ovarian cancer.
Uses: Ginger is used in tea and in cooking by many Indian families. Some people also advocate the use of dried ginger powder. Ginger detox water is also very good to flush body off toxins. Ginger capsules are also available in the market. Ginger juice is locally applied on the skin to treat burns. Ginger oil reduces the pain.
Harms: Heartburn, diarrhea, and mouth irritation are common with an overdose of ginger. It also increases the chances of bleeding associated with warfarin.
Herb #5.
Name: Holy Basil
Applications: There is a reason it is called ‘holy’. Basil is considered to cure it all. It is a doctor for many Indian families. People also grow basil in their home. It is a definite guard against flu, throat problems and stress. It also relieves indigestion and headaches. It can also be a next medicine to cure breast cancer.

Uses: How can we forget the very popular ‘KADHA’ that our grandmothers made for us on a cold day. They also advise the use of basil tea, or you can also try basil green tea. For some people, eating one basil leaf daily means complete protection against all diseases.
Harms: Holy basil can cause low blood pressure. It can also increase heat in the body leading to bleeding. Some people say that excess use of basil can decrease fertility.
Herb #6:
Name: St. John’s Wort
Applications: Depression, anxiety and stress can efficiently be cured with the use of this herb. It helps to sleep and thus cures insomnia. It fights the mood swings due to hormonal change, social phobia and OCD. It soothes the nerve and muscle pain and also help quit smoking. Its oil can treat psoriasis, burns, wounds, bug bites, and tooth pain.
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Uses: This herb can be taken as a supplement; one capsule of 300mg of extract with 0.3% hypericin should be taken three times a day.
Harms: It reacts severely with other medications. It robs other medicines of their effects. It should not be used by pregnant women. It can also cause upset stomach, restlessness, fatigue and sexual dysfunction if taken unattended.
Herb #7:
Name: Garlic
Applications: Garlic not only act as a shield against cancer but it also reduces the size of precancerous cells. Garlic is good for the heart too, it decreases high blood pressure reducing the risks of heart attacks. It prevents the yeast infection, flu, bacterial and fungal infections.

Uses: It can be used in cooking or you can also eat five crushed garlic cloves daily to fight cancer. 1,000mg garlic capsules can also be used. It is also injected into the body for chest pain. Garlic oil is used to cure warts and corns. This oil is also mixed with the hair oil to treat hair loss.
Harms: When you overdo garlic, you can get redness, swelling and boils on the skin. Easy bruising and bleeding may occur. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are some common side effects.
Herb #8:
Name: Clove
Applications: It is used for upset stomach, toothache, diarrhea, hernia, bad breath, cough, and gas. It treats nausea and vomiting effectively. It also treats the skin of cuts and wounds. It reduces the harshness of tobacco smoke.

Uses: It is used as a flavoring agent in foods and beverages. It is a significant component in the manufacturing of toothpaste, soaps, cosmetics and perfumes.
Harms: It seems to cause dizziness, nausea, shortening of breaths, stomach pain and numbness in the body. It can also lead to liver problems, loss of appetite, dark urine and jaundice. Mild skin irritation and sore gums are the symptoms of clove side effects.
Herb #9:
Name: Fenugreek
Applications: All of us know that METHI is a great ‘home remedy’ to control diabetes. It can also be used for constipation, painful menstruation, obesity and heart benefits. It treats the kidney dysfunctions too. It is also said to be effective for tuberculosis, cancer and parkinson’s. It also treats dandruff on the scalp.
Uses: The most common use is to soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then eat it first thing in the morning. Some people also drink the water in which it was soaked. Fenugreek leaves are used in cooking and for making bread. A paste of fenugreek powder is applied for the glow on face and to reduce hair fall.
Harms: Excessive weakness, bleeding, sweating, nausea and seizures can be seen in people who overdose on fenugreek. Diarrhea and upset stomach can also occur.
Herb #10:
Name: Thyme
Applications: Whooping cough, arthritis, stomach pain, diarrhea, gas are common symptoms which can be cured with the use of thyme. It can heal the mouth issues like a sore throat, bad smell, swollen tonsils etc. It is a potent germ killer so treats baldness and bacterial and fungal infection.
Uses: It is generally used as a flavoring agent. It is also used in soaps, cosmetics, and toothpaste. Cough mixtures and mouthwashes also have thyme extract.
Harms: If thyme oil is ingested, it causes a headache, dizziness, vomiting and breath shortening. Allergic reactions like rash, swelling of tongue and throat may also occur. Muscle weakness, heartburn, and gastrointestinal irritation are also possible.
So, it is clear that when there are many benefits of using herbs, side effects can also occur if you use them unwisely. Herbal treatment is not without side effects as opposed to what many people think. DO NOT become your own doctor and treat your symptoms yourselves. It is better to contact an herbal doctor before starting any herbal medication. If you do not know any herbal doctor, you can go for online consultation too.
It is better to be safe than sorry, so always take precautions while on herbal medications. The side effects may be not as severe as from the allopathic medicines but being vigilant is necessary. Our aim is to only inform you to see your kitchen as a treasure with many golden herbs, it all depends on you how you improve your life using them.
Hail Herbalism!!
Author’s Bio:
The author of this post is a passionate reader and writer. He likes to be updated with the latest trends in the herbal medicine industry. He supports the wise use of herbs. He has recently gained interest in researching about online tanviherbals products and their potency to treat health concerns.