7 Unbelievable Things That May Trigger Asthma in You

There are certain trigger factors that causes asthma, but did you know why asthma has become so common now a days?

Health experts have now increasingly started to believe that many of the lifestyle choices we make today, such as our housing, diet, food and nutritional supplement and the hygienic environment plays critical role in the onset of asthma.  The cases of people suffering from asthma have gone up sharply in the last few decades.

Growing body of researchers is investigating the theory that improved hygiene conditions may lower the number of childhood infections and thereby lead to fewer infections. Ironically fewer infections also mean that the child’s immune system gets lesser opportunity to develop resistance against infections. Lower immunity means increased risk of asthma.

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Over years the research on asthma has gone up significantly. With growth in technology and increased adoption rate of collaboration tools in R&D, researchers are finding unbelievable and bizarre things that are emerging as a triggering factor for the asthma. Here are 7 of them:


Statistical data shows that emergency room treatments for asthma symptoms go up dramatically after thunderstorms. Scientist explains that pollen grains rupture during an electrical storm, releasing airborne allergens. These pollens then spread rapidly through gusty winds. This is especially true during pollen season.

Food additives

Have you experienced episode of asthma after having a certain food? May be that’s because certain food additives may have caused asthma. Certain food preservatives, flavoring agents and food colorings are found to trigger asthma attacks in some people.


Studies have found that over 20 percent people with asthma are sensitive to asprin and display symptom of asthma after taking Asprin. Certain people with asthma may experience their asthma symptom worsen after they take Asprin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

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Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/david_martin_foto/16257814883

You may laugh or cry your way to asthma

This really sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. Extreme emotional states such as bout of heavy laughter or period of intense crying can trigger an asthma attack by changing breathing patterns and restricting airflow. This is especially true for people with underlying airway inflammation.


If you are overwhelmed with stress and experience chest tightening, it could be asthma symptoms. According to a study published in the Journal of Asthma, study conducted on people who experienced psychological distress over the last one year was strongly correlated with asthma symptoms.

Acid reflux

We all know that sometimes acid reflux and GERD both can cause pain and burning in your throat, especially when you lie down after you consume hot, spicy and fatty food. What you may not know is that fact that they can also spark an asthma attack, regardless of whether you feel heartburn or not.

Image credit: https://pixabay.com/en/beer-refreshing-drink-alcohol-1955174/


Well, this could be a bad news for you if you like certain alcoholic beverages. Studies have found that certain alcoholic beverage worsen the symptoms of asthma or increase the chances of an attack. This is because either people may be allergic to alcohol itself or the ingredients added during processing. Studies have also found that alcohol can worsen other allergic symptoms, for example from food.