13 Natural Ways to Defeat Allergies

What are Allergies?

Allergies are a form of immune responses against substance that are not actually harmful. There are several forms of allergies like food and skin allergies. Allergic rhinitis is an allergy that occurs when your body’s immune system reacts to particles like dust, pollen or dander, that causes symptoms of runny nose, sneezing or itching of nose.

Hay fever is an outcome of plant pollen and affects millions around the world.

Symptoms of Allergy                                                                                            

  • Nasal congestion and runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy, nose or throat
  • Coughing
  • Postnasal drip
  • Fatigue
  • Experience facial pain or pressure

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  • Avoid Breeze by shutting windows

Ease your nasal symptoms and allergy triggers by keeping your indoor air pure. The best way to do this is by installing air filters in your air conditioning system and furnaces that will purify indoor air by removing 90% to 95% of harmful particles. You can opt to close your windows and doors when the pollen count in the environment is high. This will keep pollens and other allergy causing particles away.

  • Alternative Therapies Methods

Studies have confirmed that some supplements help manage nasal allergies, one of which is butterbur. Butterbur is one of the most trusted nasal allergy controller. It is said that extract from butterbur called the Ze 339 and antihistamines works on allergies.

Make cleaning a regular practice to keep dust and pet dander at bay. It is extremely important to maintain cleaning when allergies is a concern. Avoid dry dusting, instead use a damp cloth to wipe surfaces. This will help remove any possibility of dry dust mixing in the air and hence prevent allergy triggers.

For those suffering from allergic rhinitis should wear a mask while cleaning or the best way is to hire a cleaning service if possible.

  • Wash Away Allergens

Each time you get back home, you bring with you few foreign particles from the outside world that can trigger your symptoms. Your hair, clothes, shoes and even your skin will be covered with tiny particles of dust and pollens from everywhere you have been throughout the day. The best way to get rid of these pollutants is by taking shower immediately after coming home and wear clean clothes. Also remember to keep your shoes outside to avoid contact with allergens.

  • Wear a mouth mask

N95 respirator mask

Use a N95 respirator mask that will help you prevent allergens from entering you airways while you perform your daily activities. The respirator mask is easily available in most medical supply stores and is an excellent protector from at least 95% of allergens.

  • Intake of healthy and nutritious diet

A recent study has found that children who included fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts especially grapes, apples, oranges and tomatoes in their diet have showed lesser signs of allergy. Although the actually connection between healthy diet and nasal allergies is still unknown. Still it is believed that a individual consuming a healthy diet are less prone to nasal allergies. It is good if we can add one fruit or a vegetable to our meal.

  • Using a nasal rinse

Nasal allergy symptoms can be easily relieved by using a nasal rinse. It will help you clean mucus, any kind of bacteria, thin mucus from your nose and will decrease the possibility of a postnasal drip. You can either buy a nasal bulb or use a neti pot instead. You need to add ½ teaspoon salt, pinch of baking soda to 8 ounces of warm sterilized water. Now you need to lean over a sink and flush your nostrils with this one by one.

  • Increase The Intake Of Fluids

Drinking more water, fresh juices or other fluids will help in case you have a post nasal drip for your allergies or if you are feeling congested. Increasing the intake of fluids will help thin the mucus in your nasal passages. Drinking hot tea, soup or broth will give more soothing effect.

  • Try Taking Some Steam

Taking steam for nasal congestion is the easiest way to relieve yourself and ease your breath when you have allergies. You can opt to sit over a sink full of water or a hot bowl by placing a towel over your head. The towel will prevent stream from escaping and relieve congestion. You should repeat this several times in a day for better results.

  • Avoid Cigarette Smoke And Other Fumes


Cigarette smoke can trigger your allergy symptoms and worsen the itchiness, stiffness of nose and watering of the eyes. If you are chain smoker, quitting smoking will help. You can ask your near and dear ones in your household to quit smoking as well. It is advisable that you stay away from places where people smoke. Opting for a smoke free restaurant, hotel room or a night club is the best solution. You should be careful about the fumes coming from aerosol sprays etc to avoid worsening of the symptoms.

  • Choose Acupuncture

Acupuncture can prove to be a remedy for patients suffering with allergies. The effects on acupuncture on allergic rhinitis is still not clear. Yet, some studies say that acupuncture works on nasal allergies. Before you start acupuncture, check with your doctor if it can help you relief your symptoms of allergy.

  • Knowing your triggers better

Before you find a solution for your triggers, you need to find out what they actually are. There have been cases where people assume that pets are the most possible reason for their allergy and end up getting rid. But later, they end up releasing that they were not the actual reason. Rather than predicting the cause of trigger, it is better you meet an allergist and get an allergy skin test done. This will help you highlight your triggers.

  • Keep your living environment clean

An air purification system that has negative ion and UV filters will help get rid of allergy causing mites and pollens from the air. Eliminate all kinds of dust, pollen, pet dander from the outdoor that can trigger your allergy symptoms.

Clean the floor with the help of Vacuum Cleaner
Clean the floor with the help of Vacuum Cleaner

Clean up all the clutter and replace carpets with non-toxic wool or maybe a cork flooring. Keep your living environment clean and suppress the symptoms of allergies.


  • Using turmeric with food

Turmeric contains curcumin that acts a decongestant, works on all kinds of cold and also reduces allergy symptoms.


Author’s Bio:  Dr.  Avni Deshmukh  an  expert  medical  consultant  in  Mumbai  (India).  Also writer  for various blogs about symptoms, cure and treatment of Allergic Rhinitis, Bronchial Asthma, Cough etc. for adults and children.


Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/AvniDeshmukh